Name: Jonathan Toews
DOB: April 29, 1988
Age Range: YES!
Height: 6'2"
General Information: Plays hockey for the Chicago Blackhawks. My mom loves him (she doesn't know anything about him except what he looks like, his age, and that he wear the C). Was arrested with TJ Oshie back in the day. "Toews is fluently bilingual in both of Canada's official languages." - speaks French & English (so much easier to say). Has a voice that should not be coming out of him face. Captain Serious. Had two facial expressions: Serious Business & Surprised.
Related Things:
What he would look like waking up in my bed.
Do you know how often hockey players are shirtless (not counting you, Joe Thornton!)? Not often. We, meaning the lady fans and the gay/bi fans, take what we can.
Gah! I ♥ his voice that should not be coming out of that face.
So, this is kinda annoying, but hey! He's speaking French!
johnathan would be good for like one screw. then, i would kick him out. He isnt the best lookin but i must say, serious faces on guys are kinda hot.